20 Followers & A Couple Of Things I Really Want Right Now…

We all know about Valentines day, a day where men are meant to treat the women in their lives with gifts and chocolate, but I’ve never heard of an alternative for men. I was then told about an alternative that’s celebrated in Japan – White day. White day is a month after valentines day on…
That’s right I finally got naked, Urban Decay’s Naked Palette (hey what were you thinking you dirty minded readers!). After months and months of lusting after this products I finally gave in and bought this bad boy. I know the Naked 2 palette is meant to be coming out soon, but I thought I should…
A while ago I never understood why anyone would pay around the £20/30 mark for a foundation. I just didn’t understand why you’d spend so much money on a foundation when you can buy a ‘drugstore’ version for around the £10 mark. I thought surely they can’t provide that much more coverage, or make my…
I’ve been terrible at updating my blog on my spending ban challenge lately. So bad that since my last update I haven’t wrote another one in three weeks, oops. To be honest I’m finding there isn’t a lot to update on lately. I’ve been being good and have hardly bought any beauty products unless it’s something I…
I love Christmas time for the chance to play around with some nail art! Last year I created a few design ideas but decided on doing some Christmas Pudding nails for the big day itself. This year I haven’t had much time to sit down and do some nail art, but I still needed some festive nails…
When it comes to nails I’m a lover of all things neutral. Greys, browns, nudes, you name it I have it. There was once upon a time I used to paint my nails every colour under the sun, but as I’ve ‘grown up’ in my nail varnish tastes I’ve found myself switching to neutral colours…