Iconemesis iPhone Case

Last weekend on the 20th May I had my university’s summer ball! It was bit of an excuse to get all dressed up, and have bit of a fancy night out. We went to a local venue in Leicester, called Athena, and had drinks and entertainment, including a band, and circus acts. Here’s some pictures…
I thought I’d do a ‘Whats in my bag’ post because I love reading these! It’s so interesting to see what other people carry around in their bags with them. The bag in question is a new one of mine. I bought it the other day from New Look for £24.99. I really…
Hello Lovely’s! I thought I’d share with you yesterdays FOTD and OOTD. Me and a friend decided to go to the cinema to see Bad Teacher (I rate it ‘Meh’, it wasn’t that great), so I took up the chance to wear my new T-shirt and Jewelery I’d got earlier in the week. Also I’m…
Hi Everyone! It’s been a while since I last poped up a youtube video, and what better time to do it after my very busy week last week involving several shopping trips! So I thought I’d share with you all a couple of things I purchased last week. Hope you enjoy 🙂
[button link=”http://geni.us/6623XJP” type=”big” color=”pink” newwindow=”yes”] Check Deals and Discounts for Women’s Lingerie & Underwear on Amazon Now![/button] Being ‘slightly gifted in the chest area’ can sometimes be bit of a problem when it comes to ordering bras. I can never seem to find them in my size, and when I do they tend to be…
I’ve never really been one to post outfits of the day type of posts for a few reasons. One, because I’m not really into fashion at all. I’m hopeless at it and I’ve never really been into it like I have with beauty. Two, I have no idea how some fashion bloggers take such amazing…