It’s been nearly two months now since we finally completed on our flat. The whole process took around 5 months, which I know might seem quite quick, but we were told it would only be 8 weeks, so it felt pretty long for us! The past two months have been spent packing, unpacking, painting, buying IKEA…
Back in the beginning of September I blogged about my goals for the month, with a few little things I wanted to achieve. Now that it’s the beginning of October I thought I’d revisit the goals I set myself to see how I did. Go to the gym three times a weekI managed to half achieve this one, sometimes I’d make…
If you’ve been following me on my social accounts lately you might have seen that I’m on bit of a weightloss mission. My weight has been something that’s been an issue for me for a long time now. When I was a teenager I gained a lot of weight, mostly through making poor choices, and…
So if you weren’t aware, I turned the grand age of 21 on the 14th May (at 5.11am if we’re going to be exact…). My birthday sort of spread out over many days this year, with the Saturday before (12th) having a night out with the uni friends, and a surprise visit from my best…
I know far too well how easy it is to lack motivation when it comes to fitness, I start off well, but within a week or so, begin to lose all willpower. And I am not alone in this, I know so many other people who have said that the same has happened to them….
Recently I’ve been on a mission to lose a little weight. I’ve tried most diets in the past, but I usually fail or end up giving up before I get a chance to finish them. I’m officially the worst person at diets. One diet that I’ve never tried before is a meal replacement diet, but…