Christmas Gift Guide #4 – For Pet Lovers
We all know about Valentines day, a day where men are meant to treat the women in their lives with gifts and chocolate, but I’ve never heard of an alternative for men. I was then told about an alternative that’s celebrated in Japan – White day. White day is a month after valentines day on…
I never used to like Eurovision, I just didn’t get it. It just seemed like a crappy version of a singing competition, but with more glitter and novelty acts. Then I went to university and my housemates reintroduced me to it, complete with a drinking game and score cards! After several drinks I started to…
I’m sure many of you bloggers are aware that the Cosmo Blog Awards 2011 is currently happening. If you don’t know what it is, basically “Cosmo is on the hunt for the best of the blogosphere”. You can read more about it here. So now is the chance for you to nominate your favourite blogs! Basically…
At the beginning of the month I decided to set myself some goals, as it was something I hadn’t done for a while, and maybe it would help me to actually stick to something! Now that September has been and gone, I thought I’d catch up on how I did on my goals. get back to the gym…
I’ve seen this floating around on a couple of blogs today and thought I’d give it a wurl too 🙂 Would you rather lose all of your mascaras, eye liners, lipsticks and lip glosses or lose all your palettes and eye shadows? Lose all my palettes and eye shadows. I couldn’t live without mascara…
Since I bought my little flat last year I’ve had a little obsession with all things interior design. The minute we started looking for our own place I started annoying Chris with clippings from home magazines, and by the time the sale had gone through, I had a whole Pinterest board full of ideas of…