February Goals Revisited

Today is the second anniversary of when I was sat in my bedroom one night and thought ‘Do you know what, I think I’m going to start a blog’. Back when I didn’t think it would last for more than a month, and when I thought no one would read what I had to say….
It’s been over 7 years now since I’ve had my driving license, and during that time I’ve had two cars. Both of which have been wonderfully awful, rubbish cars, but despite all their flaws I’ve loved them all the same. I first started learning to drive on my 17th birthday, mostly because I couldn’t wait…
When it comes to cleaning products I’m certainly no expert, and I’m pretty sure my mum will agree. Although in my quest to try and become an adult I’m determined to try and become more tidier and organised, and keep things around me clean. One thing that really bugs me is seeing finger prints on…
Christmas is my ultimate favourite time of the year! I love nothing more than giving presents to others and seeing how happy they are to receive them. Christmas is a time for family and spending the day with your loved ones, and this year I’m travelling the 300 miles up north to spend the festive season with…
So it’s coming up to that time of the year where the ‘back to school/uni’ stationary comes out, and this year I decided to treat myself to some nice new stationary. I’ve always had bit of an obsession with stationary, I just love nothing more than starting the new year with nice new stuff, don’t…
With Christmas less than a month away, it’s safe to say it’s pretty close now. With only a few weeks to go it’s time to start fully preparing for the big day, organising my Christmas shopping, and have a few Christmas parties along the way. I’m always a pretty last minute person when it comes…