March Goals

This month I’ve been taking part in No Spend September in an attempt for me to stop spending so much money, and trying to save up some up pennies. As it’s now the last day of September it means my spending ban is now over! So how have I been getting on? I decided to make my…
When it comes to cleaning products I’m certainly no expert, and I’m pretty sure my mum will agree. Although in my quest to try and become an adult I’m determined to try and become more tidier and organised, and keep things around me clean. One thing that really bugs me is seeing finger prints on…
While we were looking to buy our flat we originally decided to buy two bedrooms, so then the second bedroom can be an office for Chris. While I can work away on my laptop sat on the sofa, Chris needs a dedicated working space, mostly because he can spend hours coding away on his pc,…
It’s no secret that I’m bit of a tea addict, I can’t go a day without having about 6 cups of tea on the go. Over the past couple of years I’ve really been relying on caffeine to get me through the day, needing at least two cups of tea before I can get going with my day….
I’m the sort of person thinks change can be a great thing. It can be really refreshing to change something and start away fresh, especially if you’ve been feeling fed up or bored of your usual routine. And that’s the way I’ve been feeling recently about my blog. Recently I’ve been bored of how it’s…
Image courtesy of Lucy Last month I was invited to spend an evening on a luxury boat sailing down the thames, with a casino aboard thanks to Ladbrookes. I did something that was quite brave for me, I went to an event on my own, where I didn’t know anyone. It doesn’t sound like much, but for someone who’s…