Making My Own Christmas Decorations

Now that we’ve entered into a new year I had many new years resolutions, the usual diet and exercise, but I also wanted to become a bit more organised. Not only with myself and my blog, but to also organise a lot of my storage spaces. I’ve recently redecorated my room, and with that has come…
It’s no secret that I love tea. At work I’m always that girl who’s constantly popping out to the kettle, and at home I’m constantly surrounded by empty mugs. Recently I’ve started drinking green tea as I heard its slightly healthier for you, but I find it tastes so bitter. I discovered a lot of…
Christmas time can be quite stressful. I know I’m certainly starting to feel stressed out. Have I bought everyone a present? Is there enough wrapping paper? What if I run out of tags? Do I have enough sellotape? Will everyone like their presents?!?! Not only that but I’m driving up north to my other halves parents…
Back at the start of the month I decided to have another go at setting myself some goals for February. Now it’s the end of the month I thought I’d look back on what I set for myself and see if I managed to achieve them. Don’t run out of moneyThis was probably the hardest of the goals…
You’ll have probably notice on the blog this week I’ve mentioned Christmas quite a lot. I’ve been getting my Christmas presents organised, and I’m resisting the urge to beg my mum to put the tree up so I can put them underneath it yet. This year I’ve decided I want to try and be a…
It’s been a while since I’ve done any monthly goals, in fact October was the last time I set any, and even then I failed pretty badly on them. So with a new year, and a new month, I thought it would be a good time to reset some goals for the month ahead, and hopefully I’ll managed to…