Lisahh-Jayne Turns Two!

It’s no secret that I love tea. At work I’m always that girl who’s constantly popping out to the kettle, and at home I’m constantly surrounded by empty mugs. Recently I’ve started drinking green tea as I heard its slightly healthier for you, but I find it tastes so bitter. I discovered a lot of…
You’ll have probably notice on the blog this week I’ve mentioned Christmas quite a lot. I’ve been getting my Christmas presents organised, and I’m resisting the urge to beg my mum to put the tree up so I can put them underneath it yet. This year I’ve decided I want to try and be a…
I’m the sort of person thinks change can be a great thing. It can be really refreshing to change something and start away fresh, especially if you’ve been feeling fed up or bored of your usual routine. And that’s the way I’ve been feeling recently about my blog. Recently I’ve been bored of how it’s…
This week has been a funny old week, and I don’t really think I have many interesting things to say but I don’t want to give up my new little series so quickly. I’ve spent most of this week suffering with the worst cold ever. It started as a sore throat, and come wednesday my…
Remember many many many months ago I wrote about buying our first home? Well nothing happened for quite a while. Initially everything happened really quickly, our solicitor did the survey checks, we had our mortgage offer approved, were told we’d be moving in April, and then nothing. For a good two months we didn’t hear anything else about our…
A few months ago I discovered Inamo in Soho and discovered how amazing their food was. I didn’t know at the time, but there are two Inamo restaurants, with another one around the corner from Piccadilly Circus. After the amazing experience Chris and I had we knew we had to go back, so when we got invited to try out the new menu…