I mentioned in my latest haul post that this year I’m putting myself on an 100 day spending ban. Me and the other half really want to move out of my parents house and get our own place, but we’re both terrible at saving money! We’ve sat down and worked out how we can get some pennies together, and one thing I’m going to do is to put myself on an 100 day spending ban challenge. I did one this time last year and completely failed, but this year I’m determined to give it a proper go!
I’ve decided to start my spending ban from the 1st January, meaning that the last day will be the 11th April. During this time I won’t be spending money on any beauty products, clothes, or things I don’t need. Although if I run out of something like deodorant, I will buy some more! I will also still be spending some money on social events, but I will try to cut back on these! I’ll also be posting an update on the blog every week, and I will confess if I slip up!
Anyone else taking part in a spending ban? Let me know how yours is going!
[et_pb_section bb_built=”1″][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text] I thought I’d share with you a little purchase I made the other day. I was wondering around Boots (as usual), and saw this special offer on the shelves near the till. Buy a 17 Falsifeye mascara and get a 17 Falsifeye gel eyeliner free. Well I just couldn’t resist! Especially how…
Lately you might have seen on my blog that I’ve had bit of an Origins Haul, and one of the products I decided to treat myself to was the No Puffery Cooling Roll On for puffy eyes. Since I’ve started working full time and staring at a PC screen for 8 hours a day, I’ve found…
Recently we got an Avon lady again, and this is probably one of the best things to happen in my street for a while. Being a complete cosmetics addict, it’s great to have someone bring me a brochure of lovely products all the time to tempt me ;). On my last Avon order something that really…
Once upon a time I was completely oblivious to the idea of skin care and had no idea what I was doing with it. When I first entered the blogging world I was only interested in reading about lipstick swatches and nail varnish colours. I had no idea that there was a whole world about…
I can’t believe we’re at the end of January already (que the theme for the rest of the years favourites posts). This month seems to gone past in the blink of an eye, especially the last week as I’ve had a crazy busy week at work and I could have done with another day! Usually my favourites posts…
Until about a month ago, I was a fake tan virgin. I’d never used the stuff and I was living in my pale little world. Since getting advice off all you lovely’s on Twitter I decided to give fake tan a go. Well I say fake tan, but I’ve only actually used gradual tanning moisturisers…