Lush Luton Summer Beauty Event

I’m sure if you’ve had a look on my blog recently you will have seen I’ve become addicted to Lush. I don’t know what happened, it’s like one day I just woke up and needed to buy everything from that shop. In fact I even converted two of my friends (who had never been to…
[et_pb_section bb_built=”1″][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.0.64″ background_layout=”light” text_orientation=”left” border_style=”solid”] I’ve always suffered with eczema, it mostly comes and goes in bad patches, but sometimes it’s been really painful. When I was a teenager it was particularly bad, I tried thousands of steroid creams, and antibiotics, but something I’ve always come back to is E45 cream. Nothing seems to fix my…
Betrousse’s beauty boxes are something I’ve seen I’ve seen floating around in the blogosphere world, and have always looked to me like more than your average beauty box. Instead of your usual monthly box subscription, you have the option to buy a box with full sized samples in. Yes you heard me correctly, full sized…
Recently my hair has been in bit of a naff state. Feeling dry, breaking off, and generally looking a bit damaged. I’m always picking up ‘drug store’ treatments for my hair in the hope that it will help, but find it never really gets me anywhere, so decided it was about time that I put some…
On Saturday 16th June I headed down to London for the fourth The Only Way Is Blogging event. I’ve never been to any kind of blogging event or met up with any other bloggers before, so I was rather nervous about the whole thing. I’ve put off going to previous TOWIB events in the past because of…
It feels like its been absolutely forever since I’ve done a NOTD post! Despite being a nail varnish addict I haven’t done a NOTD post since mid August??!?! Wow. I’m constantly painting my nails and lately I’ve been getting a little bored of my nail polishes. Even though I have a rather large collection, I’ve…