Avène Soothing Hydrating Serum

One thing I can never have enough of is lipstick. I have a whole drawer of the stuff, in every shade you could imagine. I usually stick to ‘drug store’ lipsticks, but every now and then it’s nice to try out a higher end product. One brand I’ve never really tried anything from, but have…
I know you probably hear this a lot, but seriously how fast is 2011 going? It seems like only yesterday I was seeing in the new year, and now its mid October?! Crazy. So yes even though it is now mid October, I’m now posting my September favourites video. Yes yes I know its very…
For the past couple of years I’ve heard great things about Moroccanoil. My hairdresser would rave about it, I’d see other bloggers and YouTubers rave about it, but I was yet to try it. For a long time I didn’t understand how using oil cold help my hair. Surely it would make it manky and…
I realised I’ve been blogging for the best part of two months now, yet I’ve never done a FOTD post! I don’t really know why, I guess I’m just not great at taking photographs of myself, I never seem to be satisfied with them! So anyway I thought I’d give it ago and try to…
On the 23rd April my little space on the internet will turn 4! To celebrate my little blog growing up I wanted to run a little giveaway. As I started my blog based on my love of makeup, I thought it would be fitting to giveaway a box of makeup goodies! I’ve been picking up…
So far I’ve been doing well at sticking to my ‘makeup mix up’s’, however I forgot to blog about it last week! This week I’ll still be using the Bourjois Healthy Mix Foundation as I’m trying it out to review it, and I think you should try something out for a few weeks before reviewing…