Current Favourite Skin Care Products

I’ve been dying my hair for as long as I can remember. I think at age 11 I managed to convince my mum to let me put a semi-permanent colour on my hair and since then I haven’t stopped. I went through phases of changing my hair colour dramatically until I went bright red and stayed…
This month we’ve been spoilt for choice in magazine freebies! Here’s some of what I picked up this month – Elle Magazine – Free St Tropez (£3.90) I’ve mentioned it before, but I don’t really like Elle magazine, I only buy it when there’s a good freebie. For £3.90 it’s just a magazine of…
The other day I posted about my Christmas Nail Art designs and decided to have a play around with my nail art pens. One of the nail art designs I tried was a snowflake and as its now leading up to Christmas I thought I’d give it a go so that my nails can look all pretty…
So I was looking through my inbuilt wardrobe earlier, trying to find a certain pair of shoes, when I found something I completely forgotten about: My mumma had bought me this Lula & Belle Cosmetics palette the Christmas before last and I never really got around to using it much, and then when I…
Serums are still something relatively new to me when it comes to skin care, I’ve only been using them for the past year. Over the past year I’ve got around to using a couple of different ones and found a couple of favourites that I like to switch around and use. L’Oreal Paris Youth Code…
So recently I’ve become bit of a Lush addict. I can’t walk past one without having to go in and sniff everything. And I’ve now grown quite a collection of Lush goodies. Something that’s always intreged me in Lush is their fresh face masks. After picking up and sniffing each one of them (and trying…