Favourite Skincare Products For Winter Weather

LUSH is somewhat famous throughout the blogging world for their bath bombs and bubble bars it seems. Until recently I’d never tried them out. I know right, where have I been? One bubble bar I often hear good things about is The Comforter. So I decided to break my bubble bar virginity with this. “This…
Hurrah the sun is finally starting to come out! Gone are the days where I was still having to wear a coat to work, and sleep with a blanket on my bed, and now I’m starting to dig out my summer clothes and spend my afternoons sat in the sunshine. I love summer time, everyone…
It’s no secret that I’m a complete nail varnish addict. If you’ve been a reader of this blog since the beginning all you would have seen is hundreds of blog posts dedicated to nail varnish. I love nail varnish so much that I feel like a part of me is missing if I’m not wearing it, and god…
I’m always on the hunt for a new mascara that gives me great length and volume, and I’ve tried hundreds on my mission to find ‘the one’. When I was given the chance to try out Bourjois newest one, the Volume 1 Seconde Mascara, of course I said yes, it sounds like my exact type…
Hi my name’s Lisa and I like makeup, but hey we all knew that by now didn’t we? Yes I like makeup, but sometimes I like it a little too much, and recently I’ve found I have quite a lot of it that’s just making a mess. So I decided it was time to give…
Something I really like is lovely smelling shower gels. hand washes and moisturisers. I just love using them, and being able to smell it ages later. So when I spotted this in Boots, I couldn’t resist. I’ve been a fan of the I Love… range for ages, and I’m slowing working my way through trying…