First Day Of Work Make Up

If you haven’t guessed from my blog already, I’m a huge lover of beauty products. For as long as I can remember I’ve been addicted to picking up new products to try out, especially from brands I’ve not tried before. Of course I’ve got a few favourite products I like to repurchase again and again,…
I have troubles with sleep, I always have, and I probably always will. I think I’m just one of those people who can’t ‘switch off’ at night. I’ve tried everything to try and help me get a good night’s sleep, but there’s one thing that I always find helps me (without resorting to sleeping pills),…
I bought Models Own ‘Smash Up Silver’ a good month or so ago and I haven’t got round to reviewing it yet! O silly me! Since I discovered Barry M’s nail effects a few months back, I was hooked. I loved experimenting with the black over different colours, and being amazed at the outcome. Soon later Barry…
First of all how is it going to be September tomorrow?! This year has just flown past. August has been a fairly exciting month for me product wise, as I’ve been trying out loads of new things, and also rediscovered a couple of old products that I love. So here’s this months monthly offering. Vitamin…
Sometimes after a long stressful week there’s nothing better than spending a Sunday having a good old pamper session. I like to pick out some of my favourite products and use them all up while watching one of my favourite films, or catching up with YouTube. I like starting out with a long hot bubble…
For years I’ve been using a lady shaver to shave my legs, mostly because I’m completely terrified of cutting myself with a razor. One time when I was 12 I tried to shave my legs with a razor and managed to cut myself, there was blood everywhere. Oh god it was terrible. So since then…