Hello Canvas

I’ve always loved photography ever since I was a little girl. I just loved taking photos of things, and then learning how to edit them on Photoshop, and just generally looking a good photographs other people have taken. Back when I was at college I did an A level in photography, and whilst doing it I came up with some really good photographs. I’ve always wanted to do something with them and display them in some way but I never really found a way to do so. So when I was contacted by Hello Canvas a while a go asking if I wanted to try out one of my favourite photographs printed on to a canvas I jumped at the chance.

When it came to choosing a photograph for them to print there wasn’t much of a choice for me. The picture in question is one I took and edited myself when I was in New York three years ago. I waffle on about New York all the time, it is my absolute favourite place ever, and I got to spend 4 days there 3 years a go with my family before my dad went off to work in New York (lucky sod). While I was there I took 1000’s of photographs and one of my favourite ones was this standard yellow taxi photograph. I’ve always wanted this photograph printed on to a canvas so when Hello Canvas printed this for me I was really excited to see the outcome. I’ve never had any experience with canvas printing before, so I wasn’t really sure how the image would turn out, but when it turned up I was amazed about the quality. My original photograph was taken with my old D-SLR camera, but it was never an amazing quality to begin with, but the canvas made my photo look fantastic. Honestly it now looks so professional, like an actual painting you would buy from a shop. And even though the photograph has been blown up, there’s no way of indicating that the photograph has been stretched or anything. I was also impressed with how affordable the canvas’s were. The one I received was 20 x 28 inches for only £37, but there are a good 15 sizes to choose from all of which are pretty affordable.

I was so pleased with my canvas I was desperate to hang it up straight away. Sadly I’m still at university in a rented house so I’m unable to hang it on my wall, so I’ve propped mine up on my chest of drawers in the mean time. But the moment I finish my final year and move back home I’m hanging this up in my bedroom at home. I’m so impressed with the quality of the printing and how it’s made my simple photograph look, this is definitely a service I would recommend if your looking into getting any of your favourite photos printed.

If your interested in using Hello Canvas I have a code for 5% off which can be used in combination with other promotions – LBMAR2012

This was sent to me to review but opinions are all my own

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