Kerastase Fondant Nutri-Thermique

Recently The Body Shop has brought out a new range; the Fuji Green Tea range. I don’t usually get that excited about The Body Shop’s new scent ranges, but this one really appealed to me. I’m a huge green tea fan, I drink about 8 cups a day of the stuff, and I just love…
I decided to give a go at nail art! This is the first time I’ve tried it out and I’m surprised at how easy it was to do. Here’s what I did to create my strawberry nails: I used Models Own Red Alert, and Barry M’s Mint Green, and Black to create my nails…
I find that my nail varnish choices tend to go through ‘seasonal changes’, where come the spring summer months I find myself wearing bright bold colours, and this time of the year I go for darker, greyer shades. For some reason it just doesn’t feel right wearing a bright pink nail varnish when it’s grey…
The other day I shared with you the start of my mini series – Best Of 2013, starting with Hair Products. Today I’m carrying on with the skin care products that wowed me in 2013. I suggest making yourself a large cup of tea for this one, as it’s quite the ramble. REN Clarifying Clay Cleanser …
So today’s NOTD post is about Barry M Nail Effects. I know this has been around for ages, but I’ve only just got around to getting nail effects in ‘white frost’ in the last couple of weeks. I love the Barry M Nail Effects, I own all four, I just think there amazing. I think…
Nail varnish is something that’s regularly featured on this blog. And I’ll have to admit, I’m an addict to the stuff. In fact a while a go I had around 70 bottles of the stuff, crazy right. Recently I decided that yes I did own to many nail polishes and made my collection smaller, giving…