Woah when did this year go past so fast? I swear yesterday we were seeing in the new year, and now it’s already 6 months through it! Although May is my favourite month, as it’s my birthday in May! Also I’ve noticed I haven’t done a ‘favourites’ post in about 6 months – crazy. Need to get my act together!
Clinique Dramatically Different Moisturizing Lotion
I’ve blogged about this before here. I’ve recently re found my love for this, it just does amazing things to my skin! Sadly it’s rather pricey so I’m dreading the day I run out.
Natural Collection Blush in Peach Melba
After hearing so much about this I decided to get this a couple of months back. Now I can see what all the hype was about, and it only cost £1.99! Peachy pink colours are my favourite so I absolutely love this.
Hello Kitty Lip Balm
If you’ve been a long term blog reader you’ll know I love Hello Kitty. My housemates bought me this lip balm for my birthday and since then it’s gone everywhere with me. I absolutely love it, and it smells amazinggg!
Tangle Teezer
Back in January I bought this and I keep meaning to getting around to doing a review on this! As I have pretty mental frizzy curly knotted hair, this has definitely helped to brush my hair without having to attack my head!
Barry M Magnetic Polishes in Burgundy, Violet, and Blue
Months after everyone else I’ve finally jumped on the magnetic nail varnish hype. I’m actually quite impressed, although the Violet one doesn’t really show up the pattern very well for me? I’ve been having great fun with these, and I’ve even got my mum interested in them.
Garnier Summer Body Gradual Tan
As I’m super pale and can’t seem to naturally tan I have to use fake tan if I want to have a bit of colour. If I only want a little bit of colour (just so I don’t look so deathly pale) I use a gradual tan. This has been my absolute favourite at the moment, and it actually smells really nice for a fake tan!
Vitamin E Hot Cloth Cleanser
I’ve blogged about this in the past before here. I’ve been using this for the past 6+ months, and honestly my skin has never looked better! Since discovering this I’ve been using a range of Vitamin E products and my skin is certainly loving them.
John Freida Full Repair Deep Conditioner
I’ve mentioned it time and time again, my hair hates me. I decided enough was enough and started using the John Freida full repair range. My hair is definitely in a much happier, but my favourite is the deep conditioner. It just leaves my hair so so super soft and more hydrated!
Garnier Intensive 7 Days Moisturiser
I suffer from dry skin and I’ve found that this moisturiser helps to keep my skin happy and more hydrated. Plus it’s fairly cheap, so that’s a plus!
16GB Wifi Ipad
I mentioned a couple of posts back that I’d bought myself an Ipad. I’m completely in love with it. I still haven’t completely worked out how to use it yet, but I’ve found some good apps – even some that the cats enjoy playing with! So if you know anything about Ipad’s let me know some good apps ;).
You may have noticed that my blog has also had a make over! With some help from the boyfriend I’ve got a new banner, and even some blog buttons down the right hand side. So now you’ll be able to find another ways to find me, such as on Pintrest, and Bloglovin’ that I haven’t really mentioned about much on the blog. So go have a look! I’ve also put up about the Cosmo Blog Awards if you fancy nominating me :), would be very much appreciated! And let me know what you think about the new layout!
A while ago when lip crayons came out I wasn’t too sure about them. I was mainly a lipstick person, and didn’t really think much about lip crayons. Fast forward a few months, and now I’m obsessed. It started off with a couple of MUA’s lip colours, they only cost me a couple of quid,…
Ever since I bought my nail art pens that I blogged about here, I’ve got quite into nail art. I’m certainly no professional when it comes to nail art, but I have become quite good at some of the more simple designs. One of my favourite to do is leopard print. Leopard print is one of…
As I’m sure many of you are aware, Elle Magazine has been giving away Soap & Glory’s Thick & Fast mascara, which I managed to get my hands on the other day. I’m a big lover of Soap & Glory products but I haven’t tried out any of their cosmetic range yet, so I was…
I mentioned in one of my latest posts here that my hair had a well needed cut, and I decided that while I was having a change, to give it a new colour as well. Well as you can see from the photo, I’ve taken a bit of a change from my usual bright red hair. After…
Hello Lovely’s! 🙂 I hope you all had a lovely Christmas! My day was full of spending time with my family, chilling out, eating masses of food, and watching trashy Christmas TV. Now I wasn’t really expecting much for Christmas as I’d only asked for a couple of bits, so I was so excited when…
With all the days getting darker quickly, and the nights getting colder, it only means one thing – It’s nearly Christmas! So for today’s NOTD post I decided on doing some festive nails as I’m finally getting into the Christmas spirit. On a recent trip to Superdrug I picked up some of the Barry M…