May Favourites
I’m now 14 days into my 100 Day Spending Ban Challenge, so how am I getting on? Well this week I may have slipped up a bit.. After deciding that my hair looks a little worse for wear at the moment I decided to give in and buy a couple of things. I then found myself…
This year I’m making the most of the bank holiday weekend and getting the chance to go away for a few days to visit my partners parents up north. I’m pretty excited as this is the first Easter weekend in years that I’m not working (stupid working in retail) or have 100’s of uni deadlines…
Gosh there’s been so many good freebies around this month! Another one I’ve managed to get my hands on is Marie Claire, with a Inika eye shadow or eyeliner, I managed to get the eye shadow. The eye shadow comes out as a silver/purple/glittery kinda colour, which I love although I haven’t had much of…
For today’s Blog Takeover I have Lucy from Absolutely Lucy talking about staying beautiful at festivals and what to pack. I really like this post and will take on board Lucy’s recommendations if I go to a festival! I’m trying my hand at something new here – not usually a beauty blogger but I’m always up for a challenge and…
Mothers Day seems to have just snuck up on me this year, it seems like only the other day I was writing Christmas related posts, and here we are in the middle of March! With the days just seeming to fly by I’ve been a little distracted on upcoming events and birthdays, and before I…
I recently bought myself this nail polish after I saw one of my best friends wearing it a few weeks back. I thought the colour looked great on her and I was dying to try it out myself. I love Rimmel London polishes, especially with the maxi brush, it makes it so easy to apply!…