A Candle Obsession
Amazon offers great scented candles too. I recommend you try this one!
It took me a while before I bought into the Real Techniques brushes hype, but I started with the Stippling Brush and since then I couldn’t go back to another brand. One of my favourites is the Blush Brush, which I think is one of the larger brushes. It’s shaped like a large tapered egg shape which…
I’ve never really been one for skincare, having always kept my skincare routine very very simple only using face wash. But since discovering Superdrug’s Vitamin E Hot Cloth Cleanser a month ago I’ve seen such an amazing difference in my skin. I’ve been using it as a permanent part of my skincare routine and the results have…
Last month you may have seen my post Mission Longer Hair, where I was trying to grow out my hair. I talked about using Lee Stafford Hair Growth Treatment to try and help speed a long the process. I had never used this product before so I wasn’t sure what to expect, and I…
Perfume is always something that interests me, but I’ve never had the chance to use many of. I normally ask for a Marc Jacobs one for Christmas (last year it was Daisy), which will last me all year and then I get a new one for Christmas. However this year my Marc Jacob’s ran out around…
I’ve mentioned it many many times before, my hair hates me. I’m such a horrible person to it, I dye it quite a lot, and use hair straighteners like everyday. So recently my hair has been looking really awful, its in a major need for some TLC. So I decided to give my hair a…
Hi everyone! Sorry I’ve been a little absent in blogging world lately! Had a major busy busy week but hopefully I’ll get some more stuff up for you soon! So I can’t believe its now September! This must be the fastest moving year yet! So here’s my little August favourites video for all you…