NOTD – Polka Dots

It’s been a while since I’ve uploaded a good nail art post, or a NOTD post at all for that matter. After receiving my Rio Nail Art Kit at the #JulyLondonMeetUp I was feeling somewhat inspired. As it’s been an age since I’ve done any form of nail art I decided I wanted to do something simple to start…
This year I’m making the most of the bank holiday weekend and getting the chance to go away for a few days to visit my partners parents up north. I’m pretty excited as this is the first Easter weekend in years that I’m not working (stupid working in retail) or have 100’s of uni deadlines…
The Liz Earle Cleanse and Polish Hot Cloth Cleanser is something that’s raved about in the beauty community and I’m sure we’ve all heard about it. But at £23 for 200ml, its something that’s slightly out of my price range, especially when it’s quite a lot of money to part with just to try out…
Serums are still something relatively new to me when it comes to skin care, I’ve only been using them for the past year. Over the past year I’ve got around to using a couple of different ones and found a couple of favourites that I like to switch around and use. L’Oreal Paris Youth Code…
For today’s blog takeover I have the lovely Jess from Lovely Jubbly Blog talking about her top 5 essential makeup products for on holiday. Hope you enjoy the post! When it comes to Summer, I’m all about keeping the makeup simple, fuss free and sticking to the bare essentials. Seeing as though Lisa is off on her…
If you read my Christmas post you will have seen that my mum bought me Clinique’s Dramatically Different Moisturizing Lotion for Christmas. I’d never used it before but it’s something my mum swears by and has used for years, along with other Clinique products. As I suffer from very dry skin like my mum she thought this…