NOTD – Rimmel London Celebrity Bash

Today is my first day of my new job! I’m crazy excited to start, and because I’ve got a busy day ahead of me, I want my make up to last all day. Because I have no idea what today will bring I want to make sure my make up is simple, and will look…
I swear all I’m blogging about lately is Christmas – I can’t help it, it’s my favourite time of the year! The lovely Jess from Lovely Jubbly tagged me in her Christmas tag, and well it would be rude to not join in! 1. What is your favourite Christmas Movie/s? It’s A Wonderful Life. No idea…
I’ve been thinking a lot about moving out lately, and especially how me and my other half have been together a very long time now and want to move on with our lives. We’re currently living with my parents, and to be honest we’re quite happy at the moment, we just don’t have a lot…
We all know what our skin goals are. Flawless, soft and perfectly smooth. Whether you’re going on holiday or just want to look good in your daily routine then you’ll know the importance of hair removal to your routine. There’s a load of ways to achieve this perfect, hair free skin of course. The majority…
For today’s Blog Takeover I have my good friend Bex from Futures talking about a product from Bath and Body Works. I keep hearing great things about them, I must get around to hunting some down! Enjoy today’s post! Hello! I’m Bex and I blog over at Futures – I’ve known Lisa for over two years and I love…
The other day I posted about my Christmas Nail Art designs and decided to have a play around with my nail art pens. One of the nail art designs I tried was a snowflake and as its now leading up to Christmas I thought I’d give it a go so that my nails can look all pretty…