Nuxe Wishlist

I’ve never been much of a perfume lover but recently I’ve found myself lusting over the stuff. As you may have known, me and the boyfriend were together for a year the other week, and for one of my presents he bought me Lola Marc Jacobs perfume. The good boy had listened to all my…
Nail foils are something I’ve been wanting to try for absolutely ages so when I saw they were in my She Said Beauty Box, I was super excited. Nail foils have always intrigued me, I’ve never quite got my head around how to use them. They always looked a bit fiddily and difficult to apply, and I was…
I swear all I’m blogging about lately is Christmas – I can’t help it, it’s my favourite time of the year! The lovely Jess from Lovely Jubbly tagged me in her Christmas tag, and well it would be rude to not join in! 1. What is your favourite Christmas Movie/s? It’s A Wonderful Life. No idea…
[button link=”” type=”big” color=”pink” newwindow=”yes”] Get Your Christian Dior Skin Star Studio Spectacular Brightening SPF 30 Makeup on Amazon Now![/button] Lately I’ve become somewhat of a foundation snob, sticking to high end foundations over choices on the highstreet. I never used to mind highstreet foundations, always picking the lightest shade for my skin, but it…
On a recent trip to my local Primark (I say local but I live 20 miles away from a town..), I discovered that Primark sell make-up now? Yes I might be very slow on this, but as I said I live ages away from a town and I’ve hardly been in Primark recently. I went…
It’s been absolutely forever since I’ve done a favourites post, and mainly because I’ve been using the same products over and over again, and I didn’t want to create loads of posts made up of the same products! However September was a different month for me, I’ve found loads of new products that I’ve loved…