OPI That’s Berry Darling

I know everyone and their dog probably says this in their monthly favourites, but how is it the end of November already?! This year really has flown by, but now I’m excited it’s the end of November because that means it’s finally socially acceptable to get ridiculously excited about Christmas! This month I’ve been mainly…
I’ve got really into doing ‘NOTD’ posts recently on the blog. They used to be something I’d post up if I couldn’t think of anything else to do on the blog, or if I wanted to quickly blog. But recently I’ve got more into looking after my nails recently, making sure my nails are in…
Recently on Twitter Bourjois were running a giveaway to win everything mentioned on their A-Z of beauty. I couldn’t believe my luck when I was the lucky one chosen to win all of it! I love Bourjois but I haven’t tried many of their products, I’ve usually stuck to their Healthy Mix Foundation and a…
So this week I started back at uni for my second term of my second year (its scary how quickly uni is going!). And starting back at uni means early mornings and lots and lots of work :(. As I’m a person who chooses sleep over anything, I find myself using the same makeup over…
Something I really like is lovely smelling shower gels. hand washes and moisturisers. I just love using them, and being able to smell it ages later. So when I spotted this in Boots, I couldn’t resist. I’ve been a fan of the I Love… range for ages, and I’m slowing working my way through trying…
So I’m now 35 days into my 100 day spending ban challenge, how am I getting on? To be honest not brilliant. As you might have read from other weeks I’ve failed a few times, and I’ve not really got any savings together. Although I’ve had another good week when it comes to not spending…