Sleek Nude Collection

If you’ve been a close follower of my blog over the past few years you’ll have seen that many Lush products have been mentioned. I’ve grown quite an obsession with their products, and my bathroom is slowly filling up with all sorts of bath bombs and bubble bars. I decided its about time I dedicated…
Okay so I lied, I couldn’t stay away from buying more nail varnish. I was weak and visited a Boots counter, discovering there was a 3 for 2 offer, so this is what I came out with… From Left to right: Rimmel London ‘Disco Ball’, Rimmel London ‘Sky High’, and Rimmel London ‘Matte Finish’. …
From Left to right: Rimmel London Pink Blush, Rimmel London Nude Pink, Elf Runway Pink, 17 Honey Blossom, 17 Beehive, MAC Creme Cup In the past year I’ve found myself to be having quite an obsession with lipsticks. I never used to be a lipstick kinda girl, and now my collection is getting larger…
Recently I’ve been trying to get a little more adventurous with my nail art. If you look through my nail art posts you’ll see the majority are just some form of leopard print, nothing too creative. When it comes to nail art I’m bit a newbie, and some of the extravagant designs are a little scary to attempt. Back in the #JulyLondonMeetUp goody…
I’m now 91 days into the worst spending ban you’ve probably seen in the history of spending bans. Finally the end is in sight, only another 9 days to go! Keeping up my theme of doing terribly with a spending ban, I have another confession this week. I shopped. Last week I took a day…
I don’t know how my poor hair puts up with me. It’s been put through hell with bleaching, dying, and constant heat application. So I decided it was time to treat my hair to some products that would help it out, especially if I ever want it to grow. One product that my friend Simone raves about is the Kérastase…