The Christmas Tag
I swear all I’m blogging about lately is Christmas – I can’t help it, it’s my favourite time of the year! The lovely Jess from Lovely Jubbly tagged me in her Christmas tag, and well it would be rude to not join in!
I swear all I’m blogging about lately is Christmas – I can’t help it, it’s my favourite time of the year! The lovely Jess from Lovely Jubbly tagged me in her Christmas tag, and well it would be rude to not join in!
It always comes to a surprise to me when I start writing my Christmas gift guides every year, how has it got to this point in the year already! I love Christmas shopping, but sometimes getting the ideas together can be bit of a struggle. This is why I love gift guides, they can give…
For today’s Blog Takeover I have my good friend Bex from Futures talking about a product from Bath and Body Works. I keep hearing great things about them, I must get around to hunting some down! Enjoy today’s post! Hello! I’m Bex and I blog over at Futures – I’ve known Lisa for over two years and I love…
Since I was around 13/14 I’ve been a big fan of The Body Shop products. I spent most of my time in their looking at and sniffing products, some of the scented things in there smell amazing! I’ve tried the majority of Body Shop products, and I love their Vitamin E range, and shower gels….
It’s recently come to my attention that my nail varnish collection is growing larger and larger, and one popular brand of nail varnish is Barry M. My Barry M collection has now grown to a large 14 nail paints! From Left to Right: Indigo, Cobalt Blue, Blueberry Ice Cream, Mint Green, Berry Ice Cream, Bright…
Mothers Day seems to have just snuck up on me this year, it seems like only the other day I was writing Christmas related posts, and here we are in the middle of March! With the days just seeming to fly by I’ve been a little distracted on upcoming events and birthdays, and before I…
I realised I’ve been blogging for the best part of two months now, yet I’ve never done a FOTD post! I don’t really know why, I guess I’m just not great at taking photographs of myself, I never seem to be satisfied with them! So anyway I thought I’d give it ago and try to…