February Empties
The Body Shop Ginger Sparkle Body Butter
Nail foils are something I’ve been wanting to try for absolutely ages so when I saw they were in my She Said Beauty Box, I was super excited. Nail foils have always intrigued me, I’ve never quite got my head around how to use them. They always looked a bit fiddily and difficult to apply, and I was…
Hi my name’s Lisa and I like makeup, but hey we all knew that by now didn’t we? Yes I like makeup, but sometimes I like it a little too much, and recently I’ve found I have quite a lot of it that’s just making a mess. So I decided it was time to give…
I’ve never been much of a perfume lover but recently I’ve found myself lusting over the stuff. As you may have known, me and the boyfriend were together for a year the other week, and for one of my presents he bought me Lola Marc Jacobs perfume. The good boy had listened to all my…
If you haven’t guessed from my blog already, I’m a huge lover of beauty products. For as long as I can remember I’ve been addicted to picking up new products to try out, especially from brands I’ve not tried before. Of course I’ve got a few favourite products I like to repurchase again and again,…
Recently my skin has been looking a little ‘meh’. It’s been looking dull, dry, and I’m getting quite an outbreak of spots. I’ve never had amazing skin, and it’s never seemed to grow out of it’s teenage spot phase. But it’s been looking even more worse for wear recently. So I decided it was…
[et_pb_section bb_built=”1″][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.0.65″ background_layout=”light” text_orientation=”left” border_style=”solid”] I always tend to find myself sticking to the same make up routine, using the same products over and over. So much so, that recently I decided to cut down on my make up collection. I found there was what seemed like 100’s of products I just wasn’t…