Giving Up Sugar – Update

A couple of weeks ago I talked about how I was attempting to give up sugar for 6 weeks, I’m now over halfway through my 6 week sugar detox programme from Happy Sugar Habits, and I thought I’d update on how I’m doing. I mentioned in my original post that my relationship with sugar is awful, before I…

Pizza Party

Pizza is quite possibly, my biggest weakness, there’s not a day that goes by where I don’t think about pizza. Unfortunately for me Dominoes has caught on to this, and constantly text me with discount offers for pizzas, which really isn’t helping me trying to cut back and lose some weight. I’ve always struggled with…

Teatox Review

With the start of the new year, I like many others, jumped on the bandwagon of being healthier and trying to detox a little after the indulgent Christmas season. I’ve never really done a detox before, I’ve always just tried to eat more good stuff and a little less crap, but when I was contacted to see…

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Valentine’s Day Gift Guide #1

Now it’s February everyone’s focus has switched from getting fit and being healthy, to all things Valentine’s Day. I find that Valentine’s Day gifts can often get a little samey, with the usual chocolates and flowers still proving to be popular. Although this year I’ve spotted a couple of different gifts, and thought I’d share them with you in case…

Giving Up Sugar

For what seems like 10 years now I’ve been trying to lose weight. I’ve always been the bigger one out of my friends, and when I was 18 I put on about 5 stone that I’ve never managed to lose. Something that makes me find it hard to lose weight is that I’m literally the…

Cocio One Chocolate Milk

I love chocolate milk, I’m terrible for it. Whenever I’m out and see the option of chocolate milkshakes, or even in my local corner shop, I just can’t resist it. Luckily I can behave a bit more at home, as we never have any milk in as my mum’s lactose intolerant, so a rare chocolate…