Three Mobile Broadband

I live in a really weird house where half of the house has amazing wi-fi signal, and the other half has barely anything. Sadly my bedroom comes into the category of the half of the house that has poor signal. For someone who pretty much lives their life on the internet this can be made…

100 Day Spending Ban Challenge

[et_pb_section bb_built=”1″][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.0.64″ background_layout=”light” text_orientation=”left” border_style=”solid”] Hi I’m Lisahh-Jayne and I spend far too much money on things I don’t need. Last year I attempted to save money and saved a whole £0 leaving myself just as poor as I was last year. This year I’m determined to actually stick to my New Years…


Herts Bloggers Xmas Party

On Friday evening I attended the Herts Bloggers Xmas Party at Pizza Express in St Albans organised by the lovely Sarah and Scarlett. I love blogger meet ups and events, especially as it gives you the chance to meet fellow bloggers, have a chat and really get to know the blogger behind the blog. Of course this one…

Christmas Candles

This Christmas I’m really into burning festive smelling candles. In fact, I sat burning a few, watching Christmas films whilst I did all my Christmas wrapping. I’ve always been a bit of a scented candle addict, but there’s a few that I’ve found very fitting for this time of year. As I have a few favorites this year…


Weightloss Journey

My weight has always been somewhat an issue to me. When I was a young teen I put on a lot of weight, then I spent 5 years working at my McJob and went to university where my eating habits just got worse. After years of eating crap and bad habits I finally decided that it was time…