Review //*

Now that I’m 24, and nearly a homeowner I’ve started thinking a little bit more about my money. I used to when I got paid just buy everything I could, and spend my money as quickly as I could. Why? Who knows. I mean the money wasn’t going anywhere so why did I feel the…

Creating A Memory Box

Over the past couple of years there’s been some pretty big events. I’ve graduated, got two adult jobs, been to hen do’s, friend’s weddings, and even friend’s baby’s christenings. There’s been numerous great days out with friends, and I’ve been to some great shows. All of these events I have great memories of, so I…

How To Please Your Cat

It’s been a while now since we gave a forever home to our new rescue kitty, deaf Jeff. He’s starting to settle in really well, especially as he’s only living in a room in my parents house as we’re still waiting to move. Jeff is quite the character, he likes to run around and cause havoc,…

Slip Into Summer – Update #3

I’m now into the third month of my Slip Into Summer challenge with DW Fitness and Weird Fish, it’s scary how quickly this has gone! Now that we’re in month three everything’s stepped up a game. The workouts are harder, and the diet is stricter, and as it’s the last month of the challenge I’m really hoping to see some…


Inamo St James Review

A few months ago I discovered Inamo in Soho and discovered how amazing their food was. I didn’t know at the time, but there are two Inamo restaurants, with another one around the corner from Piccadilly Circus. After the amazing experience Chris and I had we knew we had to go back, so when we got invited to try out the new menu…