
I work full time at a digital agency, and while I love my job, it can be quite stressful at times and for me to feel pretty tired come the end of the week. When I’m not at work I like to try and take some time out for myself to relax to get rid…
A fiver doesn’t seem to get you anywhere these days on the surface of things, and yet you’d be surprised at just how far it can actually go when you really put your imagination to it! Here are five things you can do for less than a fiver. Online Slots/Pokies Playing games online isn’t something I’d have…
It’s no secret that I love cats, so when I received a wrapped up parcel covered in photos of my cat the other day I freaked out slightly. Wrapping paper covered in cats?! Not just any cat, but my own furry cat babies! I got so excited about seeing multiple versions of my cats face that it…
Recently I’ve been talking a lot on Twitter and on my blog about learning to run, and the main reason was to start training to do a 5K mud run at the end of September. Somehow two friends of ours talked me and Chris into entering with them and a few other friends to help raise…
With Mothers Day coming up I’ve been thinking a lot lately on why I’m thankful for my mum. My mumma is one hell of an amazing woman for many reasons. She’s always been there to help and support me, helped me out when I realised I’d made the wrong choices with my A-levels, and encouraged…
Currently I’ve been trying to think a little more positively. When you’re having a bad day it’s easy to think of the negatives instead of the positives, but it’s important to motivate yourself if you’re feeling a little down and rubbish. I’ve mentioned it a little on my blog lately, but over the past 3…