Christmas Candles

It’s been a little while since I last wrote about how I was quitting sugar, hasn’t it? Since my last update, I’ve completed another two weeks of the program and have now moved onto my fourth week of the challenge. Who would have thought I’d stuck with it for this long hey?! At the start of my…
While I’m still waiting for a moving date I’ve started picking up a few bits for the flat. We’re saving buying the big furniture bits like sofas and wardrobes until we have a date, but I’ve started picking up small bits, and my favourite things to pick up are for the kitchen. I’ve got a…
Hi Girlies! I thought I’d let you know that I’ve done a guest blog over at Jess’s blog while she’s on holiday! Jess did a post a few days back that she needed guest bloggers and I jumped at the chance! I’ve never been a guest blogger so I was quite excited to give it a go! …
[et_pb_section bb_built=”1″][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.0.65″ background_layout=”light” text_orientation=”left” border_style=”solid”] You may have noticed a slight lack in presence on my blog in the past month, and to be completely honest, I’ve just not felt like blogging. My blog was always something I set up as something to do in my spare time as a hobby, and I…
The other week it was my birthday, and I reached what I felt like was a big grown up age, 24. 24 is an age where I thought I would have had ‘my shit sorted out’ by. 24 sounds like an actual adult age. I still think of myself in my teenage years trying to sort…
Although it’s been awhile since I’ve now finished education, a whole two years in fact, I a thought I’d share a great service that everyone should know about – Campus Book Rentals. Campus Book Rentals is the perfect service if you need several text books for your course, but really don’t want to spend the hundreds involved in the cost of buying them. Thinking…