The Sunday Post #4 Time For A Change…
I’m the sort of person thinks change can be a great thing. It can be really refreshing to change something and start away fresh, especially if you’ve been feeling fed up or bored of your usual routine. And that’s the way I’ve been feeling recently about my blog. Recently I’ve been bored of how it’s looked and I’ve found a lack of motivation in wanting to blog as I haven’t been happy with my layout. So I decided it was time for a change in the new year, with a new layout, and hopefully a fresh new perspective on blogging.

I’ve never been a HTML whiz (although I was quite good back in the old Myspace days), so the problem was getting my blog to look the way I wanted it to. I’ve always messed around with my layouts and created a couple of headers on Photoshop with the help of my boyfriend, but I’ve never got my blog exactly the way I wanted. I often see bloggers have set up their own design companies and know what their doing with this sort of thing, so I decided to get a custom made layout. I’ve seen a few people on Twitter talk about layouts but I didn’t really know who to ask, so I asked on Twitter and the lovely Abby was advised to me. I took a look at some previous blogs she’d designed and decided her style was for me. After a couple of emails me and Abby exchanged ideas and she came up with my new blog design. She’s managed to get my blog looking the way I’ve always wanted it to, and I was amazed how quickly she got it done for such a reasonable price. If your looking for a new blog layout I’d certainly recommend Abby, you can take a look at her design website here. She also writes a fab blog which you can check out here.
I’m glad I decided to start a complete new layout with my blog. It’s given me more motivation to blog already as I’m happy with how it looks for a change. I’m feeling a lot more positive about it, sometimes it’s really good to have a change. And in other news my boyfriend just got a D-SLR for his birthday and agreed that I can take my blog photos and make YouTube videos again! So hurrah, much better quality photos coming up on the blog!