Christmas Gift Guide #4 – For Pet Lovers

You’ll have probably notice on the blog this week I’ve mentioned Christmas quite a lot. I’ve been getting my Christmas presents organised, and I’m resisting the urge to beg my mum to put the tree up so I can put them underneath it yet. This year I’ve decided I want to try and be a…
With Christmas less than a month away, it’s safe to say it’s pretty close now. With only a few weeks to go it’s time to start fully preparing for the big day, organising my Christmas shopping, and have a few Christmas parties along the way. I’m always a pretty last minute person when it comes…
It’s always interesting to look back on my new years resolutions at the end of the year and see if I managed to stick to them. Last year I wrote this post about my new years resolutions, and what I wanted to achieve in 2014, lets see if I stuck to them! Get a real job Did…
I’ve any of you have been reading my Twitter over the last week you will have seen I’ve upgraded my phone! Yes that’s right I’m finally moving up in the technology world! I got myself a shiny new Motorola Defy! If anyone’s seen the advert for this its described as ‘waterproof, scratch proof, life proof’…
I never had much of an opinion of bloggers getting business cards, I didn’t really understand the concept. In my opinion business cards were for people like my dad, who had a role in a company and needed business cards to professionally promote themselves. I didn’t really see how it would work in the blogging world until…
I never used to like Eurovision, I just didn’t get it. It just seemed like a crappy version of a singing competition, but with more glitter and novelty acts. Then I went to university and my housemates reintroduced me to it, complete with a drinking game and score cards! After several drinks I started to…