Follow Friday #2

Do you follow any of these blogs?
Do you follow any of these blogs?
It’s been a busy couple of weeks with Christmas parties, visiting family, and of course the big day it’s self. Now that the festive season is well and truly over, and my Christmas tree is packed away, it’s time to get back into a routine. Tomorrow is my first day back to work after a…
If you’ve been active on social media at all, you’ve probably noticed the ongoing promotion and sharing of “natural home remedies” and “holistic treatments.” It seems that there’s a growing trend in society, with a huge percentage of people speaking out against alleged corruption in the pharmaceutical industry. If we flash back to more than…
I used to be a big book reader when I was younger, you could never get me away from one. But as I’ve got older I’m struggling to get back into reading after having to read so many for my degree! I’ve been trying to get back into reading for a while, and for Christmas…
Last year I wrote this post about my New Years Resolutions for 2013. Now we’re a year on I thought I’d look back at my resolutions to see how well I kept to them. Graduate with a good degree. Did I do it? Yes! In July I graduated with a 2:1 in Media and Communications. I spent…
I’ve been blogging now for about three and a half years now, which is crazy to think that people would still read this and all of my rambles. It started off one evening in my bedroom when I had far too much free time, and a lot of cosmetics and no one to talk to…
Ah Netflix, my one true love. I remember when Chris introduced me to it in our second year of uni when it had first came over to the UK. Gone were my days of having to search Google for the films and TV shows I wanted to watch, instead they were all there in one…