Oh hello, it’s been a little while since a new post has popped up on Lisahh-Jayne now hasn’t it? Where have you been, I hear you cry. What amazing things have torn you away from your little space on the internet? Well quite frankly, nothing. And no I’m not going to write a blog post apologising for the lack of posts, because really who’s even noticed? While I’ve not had anything super massive or life changing happen, I’ve been up to a lot since we last spoke. Grab a cuppa, and let’s have a catch up.
So back in April, around the time I last blogged, I decided to dye my hair red again. Long term readers of this blog might remember that back in the day I used to have bright red hair. It lasted a good couple of years until I finished uni and panicked a little about being able to get a job, so I stripped it all out and then went blonde. Then a long cycle of being blonde\going brown\ombreing\putting highlights in happened for a good few years until I got bored again, and went to the hairdressers and decided why not, let’s be red again.
I’ve also been spending a lot of time with my friends over the past few months. At the begining of May my friend Helen went on a massive adventure and moved to Canada. I’ve known her since she was 9 and have hung around with her and our friend Amy for years, so it feels so weird that she’s no longer around the corner. We’ve heard lots about her adventures, and I’m pretty jealous! I need to start saving up for a holiday out there. I’m lucky that I have a few groups of good friends and we’ve been up to some great things lately. From dinners, to afternoon teas, to gigs, it’s been great. I’ve really enjoyed the gig’s I’ve gone to recently as well, in April I went with two of my friends to see one of my old favourite bands Hollywood Undead, and last week a friend took me to Slam Dunk Festival where I had a jolly good time seeing Yellowcard, Panic! At The Disco and New Found Glory.
In May I turned 25, which gosh makes me feel old. This was a weird birthday, because it was the first one I’d say I’ve been an ‘adult’ for. It was the first birthday I’ve had since I moved out of my parents house, and to celebrate my birthday I got my car washed and cleaned my flat, calm down Lisa. 24 was a good age to me, while technically I bought my flat when I was 23, it was all finalised when I was 24, I moved in with Chris, and adopted two cats, I guess it was when I felt like I’d grown up. I’m now at a funny old age, where my friends my age are either married, getting married, or have just got engaged and my friends that are younger than me still live at home and go to the pub most weekends. As this year I turned 25 and my mum turned 50, we did a photoshoot for our birthdays which was great fun! I’ve now got some lovely photos I need to find frames for.
Apart from that I’ve not been up to much, just hanging around home. We’ve finally started doing some decorating and DIY around the flat, and putting things up on the walls, it’s starting to come along nicely. Also do you remember that very nervous kitty I adopted a few months ago? Well Victor has really come out of his shell lately. He’s always been more nervous of me compared to Chris, but lately he’s been coming near me, and sitting with me, and he even let me hold him once. His confidence has grown so much with us, and he’s completely inseparable from our other cat Jeff now. It’s lovely to see how much he’s improving, and while it’s been a very long journey with Victor, it’s so rewarding.
So I guess that’s you all caught up now hey? And now I’ve dusted my laptop off (and found it again!) I guess normal service can resume again! Hurrah.
Woah September, where did you crop up from? I guess I should now give up all hope of seeing a summer appearing now, but on the plus side it means autumn is popping up any day now. Bring on the days of hot chocolate, blankets and cosy evenings in. Recently as each new month arrives…
So it’s now been two weeks since I started my 100 Day Spending Ban Challenge and I’m actually pleased to say I’ve been sticking to it! I’m quite literally the worst person at saving money ever, but I’ve been good and not bought anything new, and I’ve even been good and stuck to bringing my own lunch…
Another week has just flown past, and what a busy one it’s been! It seems like only yesterday that I was sitting down on my Sunday morning (usually still in my pajamas, hey it’s Sunday) to type up my weekly update, and here I am again writing this week’s one. Last week I wrote all about my new…
Like most girls I’m really close to my mum. We can spend hours nattering away, drinking tea, and often take days off work to go do girly trips. So when my mum had a stroke last month and spent a month away from us in hospital, my whole world felt like it came down. For…
A few months ago I discovered Inamo in Soho and discovered how amazing their food was. I didn’t know at the time, but there are two Inamo restaurants, with another one around the corner from Piccadilly Circus. After the amazing experience Chris and I had we knew we had to go back, so when we got invited to try out the new menu…
As a reader of this blog, you should know by now I like cats right? Last year I adopted Jeff, and since then he featured on my blog quite a lot, and then earlier this year we met Victor, and another kitty was in our lives. My cats mean a lot to me, and it’s often joked that…