Quitting Sugar
I’ve been researching a lot about sugar addiction lately, and everything I’ve read sounds just like me, I’m a classic sugar addict. And often with sugar addiction comes medical problems, sadly some of them I’ve gained. I’m overweight, I don’t sleep properly, I have aches and pains (although likely to be my EDS), and I’ve also had anxiety and depression. Of course no one wants to think of themselves as being horribly unhealthy, but sadly I am, and that’s not really the way I want to live my life. During my research I came across the I Quit Sugar website, and noticed how they were running an 8 week quitting sugar online program, and as it was starting in a few weeks time, I signed up. When I first signed up I was really excited, and then as time went on I started to get a little nervous about how it was going to work, and if I was going to go through any of the withdrawal symptoms. Then the day came round where I was sent my meal plan, and I officially started on Monday.