The Sunday Post #19 – Oh Christmas Tree

You may have noticed things have been quiet around my little corner of the internet lately. In February I started my first full time ‘real world’ job. Not having worked full time in an office environment before I didn’t know how this would effect me and my Ehlers-Danlos syndromme. I decided to be organised and schedule…
I thought I’d do a ‘Whats in my bag’ post because I love reading these! It’s so interesting to see what other people carry around in their bags with them. The bag in question is a new one of mine. I bought it the other day from New Look for £24.99. I really…
Hi Girlies! I thought I’d let you know that I’ve done a guest blog over at Jess’s blog while she’s on holiday! Jess did a post a few days back that she needed guest bloggers and I jumped at the chance! I’ve never been a guest blogger so I was quite excited to give it a go! …
[et_pb_section bb_built=”1″][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.0.65″ background_layout=”light” text_orientation=”left” border_style=”solid”] You may have noticed a slight lack in presence on my blog in the past month, and to be completely honest, I’ve just not felt like blogging. My blog was always something I set up as something to do in my spare time as a hobby, and I…
I’m now on week 2 of Danni’s Nail Art Weekly Project, and this week the theme is TV or Film. I found this weeks nail art a bit tricky out of all of them as for ages I couldn’t think of what to do. I went through all of my favourite films and TV shows trying…
Back at the start of the month I decided to have another go at setting myself some goals for February. Now it’s the end of the month I thought I’d look back on what I set for myself and see if I managed to achieve them. Don’t run out of moneyThis was probably the hardest of the goals…