100 Day Spending Ban Challenge – Week #13

I’m now 91 days into the worst spending ban you’ve probably seen in the history of spending bans. Finally the end is in sight, only another 9 days to go! Keeping up my theme of doing terribly with a spending ban, I have another confession this week. I shopped.

Last week I took a day off work for my mums birthday and went shopping with her. I had no intention of buying anything for myself, but once we were going around the shops I kept finding things I liked the look of. And then I decided that because the weather was warming up, I really needed some summer dresses, and found myself buying not one, but four dresses. Oh but I didn’t just stop there. I then found myself in Boots buying a few hair products, and a benefit blusher, meaning that I spent a whole £150 in a day. I’m officially the worst person on a spending ban, I’m pretty certain I have spent more money in the past 91 days than I have saved.

Although I’m a terrible person, I have learnt a lot about saving money, and I’ve created a few savings ‘pots’ as well as paying off some debt. I’m learning to be a little more responsible with my money, despite having broke my spending ban a few times. Maybe 100 days was a little ambitious, maybe with a shorter one I would have succeeded. Anyway on to the last 9 days of my spending ban, and no doubt I’ll update again next week with how I got on overall!

See how I got on in other weeks –

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