Today I’m excited to have a guest post written by the lovely Bex from Futures, who I’ve met through blogging and has become someone I can call a friend. Bex has an amazing blog so please check it out!
Hello! I’m Bex & I blog over at Futures. I happen to love this lady Lisa a lot – and I mean a lot. She is one of my best blogging friends and I am so happy that she has let me invade her space to talk to you all today! I’m here, sans makeup and dodgy pictures of me ahoy, to review the gorgeous Avon Smitten Red lipstick I got free with this months issue of Marie Claire magazine. I’ve already read and recycled the magazine – which I broke my spending ban for, oops – and had been putting off trying the lipstick for ages, just because it was red.
[button link=”” type=”big” color=”pink” newwindow=”yes”] Get your Avon Totally Kissable Lipstick in Smitten Red on Amazon Now![/button]
I don’t know about you but I find myself amongst those hordes of women who think that red lipsticks just don’t suit them. Are you the same? If pushed, I will always opt for a pink or coral tone rather than straying into the path of danger with a bright red. However, I decided to bite the bullet and finally tried it – and was I wowed? I was.
I have always been a fan of Avon lipsticks, having grown up with a mother and grandmother who bought from the catalogue every time they received it! Unfortunately though, I don’t seem to have many in my collection, something I am adamant to change! The casing is super sleek and quite gorgeous – it is different to other lipsticks in my collection and would be easy to find in my handbag. I love that the Avon logo is imprinted into the lipstick too – those little touches really do make a difference.
Yes, you get a picture of me, makeup free with stupid hair, just to show you what this lipstick looks like on. I know I’m not smiling but I looked like a psycho every time I even tried to grin for the camera so a nonchalant expression will have to do. I really do like this colour on me, its quite bright but I actually think it suits me and I do think that I will be using it a lot when it comes to nights out. It is quite creamy and moisturising upon application and didn’t alter once applied. My lips felt incredibly soft and smooth with this on and wear time was roughly 4 hours – not bad for a decent red! It stayed on whilst eating and drinking although did start to slip not long after.
If you are looking for a decent red to add to your collection, look no further – I am truly smitten.
If you are interested in guest blogging for me please email me at or tweet me at @Lisahh_Jayne
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