The Sunday Post #13 – Makeup Organising

The other day I met up with some of my lovely blogger friends Bex, Shona and Hannah to do what bloggers do best, shopping! We all met up in St Albans and had a good look around the shops and got some food at Wetherspoons. At the time I planned on being good, as…
When it comes to skin care I really think you’re getting what you pay for. Once upon a time I used to buy a £2 cleanser and moisturiser and expect it to work miracles on my skin, of course it never did. It was only when I discovered Origins Never A Dull Moment Cleanser that I realised…
Last month was my birthday, and as a birthday present to myself I decided to treat myself to getting my nails done. I’ve had my nails done twice before, once was a really bad experience, but then my friend Sophia convinced me to try again somewhere else and I loved them. Since then I’ve discovered there’s…
First of all, how is it June? I swear yesterday I was writing Christmas present gift guides and trying to work out what to get people, and now I’m having to work out what to buy my dad for Father’s Day. When it comes to buying my dad gifts I’m hopeless, I just never know…
Hi Everyone! It’s been a while since I last poped up a youtube video, and what better time to do it after my very busy week last week involving several shopping trips! So I thought I’d share with you all a couple of things I purchased last week. Hope you enjoy 🙂
I’m the sort of person who likes to put sleep as my highest priority, so on days I’ve got work I choose the option to sleep more than spend longer getting ready for work. And as I’ve been working a lot lately I’ve not been wearing a great deal of make up. So I thought…