Treating Mum This Mothers Day

Recently I was tagged by the lovely Shona on the How Much Is My Face Worth tag and thought I’d give it a go. I remember doing this many moons ago and thought it was great fun and kind of interesting to see how much I actually spend on make up! Clinique Even Better Foundation – £24…
Hi everyone! As the title of the blog suggests I have some news. That’s right, Lisahh-Jayne is now on Youtube! After much umming and ahhing and some really positive responses on Twitter I decided to give it a whirl. I’m completely new to the whole videoing myself lark, so this first video isn’t very amazing, and I’m having…
When it comes to foundation I’ve always been a heavy coverage kind of girl. It’s only in recent years since I’ve had luck with my skincare routine, that I’ve ventured to more of a light coverage. Still I’ve only ever used liquid foundations, mineral makeup is somewhat alien to me. In fact when it comes…
Over the past year I’ve found myself turning to more ‘high end’ foundations, with MAC’s Studio Fix Fluid and Clinque’s Even Better being a couple of my favourites. Now that I’ve tried a few high end foundations, I can’t see myself going back to a high street alternative. The application, the coverage and the exact colour match is just…
If you’re a close follower of my blog you may have noticed over the past year that skin care products are being mentioned more and more. A couple of years back I didn’t have a skin care routine, in fact I would hardly even remove my make up (awful, I know). And now I have…
There’s no denying it but every blogger probably owns the real technique brushes. Since these came out in Boots stores last year everyone has gone mental over them. I purchased mine back in July and since I bought them its changed how I do my make up. Once upon a time I used to apply…