A Different Type Of Gifting*

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Hi Girlies! I thought I’d let you know that I’ve done a guest blog over at Jess’s blog while she’s on holiday! Jess did a post a few days back that she needed guest bloggers and I jumped at the chance! I’ve never been a guest blogger so I was quite excited to give it a go! …
A few years ago I discovered Japanese food and since then I’ve been obsessed with it. I love visits to Yo! Sushi and Wagamama, but I’m always on the look out for a new place I’ve not visited before. When I was looking for somewhere new I came across Inamo, an oriental fusion restaurant based in Soho. I…
Hi Girls! First of all a big big thank you to everyone who watched my last video and left me comments about it! I really didn’t think I’d be good at the youtube thing, but as a lot of you thought so I decided to give it another go! I’m still getting used to…
It’s been a while since I’ve done any monthly goals, in fact October was the last time I set any, and even then I failed pretty badly on them. So with a new year, and a new month, I thought it would be a good time to reset some goals for the month ahead, and hopefully I’ll managed to…
I’ve any of you have been reading my Twitter over the last week you will have seen I’ve upgraded my phone! Yes that’s right I’m finally moving up in the technology world! I got myself a shiny new Motorola Defy! If anyone’s seen the advert for this its described as ‘waterproof, scratch proof, life proof’…
It’s been over 7 years now since I’ve had my driving license, and during that time I’ve had two cars. Both of which have been wonderfully awful, rubbish cars, but despite all their flaws I’ve loved them all the same. I first started learning to drive on my 17th birthday, mostly because I couldn’t wait…