The other day I was wondering around Boots looking at the makeup like I usually do, when something caught my eye. The new 17 Peepshow Mascara stood out to me with its cute pink packaging, and then I saw you got a free Eye Palette with the purchase as well as £1 off, and well…
I’ve always loved looking at other bloggers ‘perfume collection’ type posts, and I’d love to do one myself but truth be told I only ever have one or two bottles on the go. I seem to have a eye (or nose) for expensive types of perfume, so I can never afford to have a collection….
Hello Lovely’s! I thought I’d share with you yesterdays FOTD and OOTD. Me and a friend decided to go to the cinema to see Bad Teacher (I rate it ‘Meh’, it wasn’t that great), so I took up the chance to wear my new T-shirt and Jewelery I’d got earlier in the week. Also I’m…
It’s no secret that I’m a bit of a beauty product junkie. My poor boyfriend has had to put up with countless drawers of products taking over our bedroom and bathroom, yet still I keep buying more. Why? Who knows. I’m terrible for being influenced by other bloggers, and if I see someone talking about…
So I’m now 35 days into my 100 day spending ban challenge, how am I getting on? To be honest not brilliant. As you might have read from other weeks I’ve failed a few times, and I’ve not really got any savings together. Although I’ve had another good week when it comes to not spending…
Since cutting off my long hair three years ago I’ve desperately been trying to grow it back. Every time I feel like my hair is starting to grow and get to reasonable length, my hairdresser decides I need inches taken off to ‘help it grow’, I feel like I’m fighting a loosing battle. I now haven’t cut…