Bad Valentines Date’s

Now that things are starting to move along rather quickly on the moving house front we’re now starting to think about how we’d like to decorate our new home. We’re putting off buying the big bits like sofa’s and dining tables until we’ve got a moving date, but at the moment we’ve been picking up…
I love October, I think it’s one of my favourite months. It’s where everything starts feeling like autumn, and things start to get colder. Now that I have my own flat I can’t wait to start buying cosy blankets, and dare I say it, getting ready for Christmas! Similar to last month I’ve set myself…
I’ve always been a lover of scented candles, and for ages and ages now I’ve wanted a Yankee Candle. I hear them raved about all the time, and as a big lover of scented candles, I thought their large selection of scented candles would be perfect for me. [button link=”” type=”big” color=”pink” newwindow=”yes”] Checkout Product…
I love Christmas, and now it’s mid November, I’m so excited. Christmas is my favourite time of the year, I always feel so happy and appreciative of what I have. To start getting into the spirit I went to the first of many Christmas fairs at the weekend, and I’ve bought my own first Christmas decorations ready to…
A few days ago I saw a tweet a few days ago involving a mystery that needs to be cracked. From this Tumblr account it seems to suggest something is invading cities like Tokyo and New York. A photo shows something large and purple but the photos aren’t very clear. I have no idea what it could be, but it’s a…
Another week has just flown past, and what a busy one it’s been! It seems like only yesterday that I was sitting down on my Sunday morning (usually still in my pajamas, hey it’s Sunday) to type up my weekly update, and here I am again writing this week’s one. Last week I wrote all about my new…