I like to think of myself as a creative person, always having some sort of craft project on the go. Sadly I’m not the best at making things, and I’m really not artistic, but it doesn’t stop me having a go! This year I wanted to have a go at making my own Christmas decorations…
I’m one of those annoying people who always has their phone with them and has to check it every five minutes. Why? Who knows. Maybe I’m worried someone might need to urgently contact me, or I might miss a really hilarious tweet someone’s done if I don’t refresh my feed 400 times. I used to always have really bad luck with…
This week has been a funny old week, and I don’t really think I have many interesting things to say but I don’t want to give up my new little series so quickly. I’ve spent most of this week suffering with the worst cold ever. It started as a sore throat, and come wednesday my…
Today was a pretty long and exciting day, why you ask? Because The Queen, Prince Philip, AND Kate Middleton came to my university! Now its not everyday you can say that is it? My day started horribly early, and involved standing out in the cold for 4 & 1/2 hours to see a glimpse of…
If you’ve been active on social media at all, you’ve probably noticed the ongoing promotion and sharing of “natural home remedies” and “holistic treatments.” It seems that there’s a growing trend in society, with a huge percentage of people speaking out against alleged corruption in the pharmaceutical industry. If we flash back to more than…
It’s been over 7 years now since I’ve had my driving license, and during that time I’ve had two cars. Both of which have been wonderfully awful, rubbish cars, but despite all their flaws I’ve loved them all the same. I first started learning to drive on my 17th birthday, mostly because I couldn’t wait…