I Turned 21!

About three weeks ago I posted Mission Healthy Eating/Loose Weight So I thought I’d give you all a little update. So for three weeks now I’ve been on this project. I’ve been hitting the gym quite often, although I could probably do more. But I do feel like my fitness has improved. When I first…
Remember last week I blogged about how I was quitting sugar? Well I managed to finish my first week and thought I’d give you a little update so you can keep an eye on how I’m doing, and help keep me sticking to my I Quit Sugar plan. So how was your first week Lisa? Hell. …
This weekend I decided to take some time out and have a fairly quiet weekend. The past few weeks have been crazy busy, I recently went away on a trip up north with the other half to visit his parents. It was a really nice time away, and it was actually the most amount of…
It’s no secret, I love cats. I have four and I treat them like they’re my children. In fact I often carry them around and call them ‘cat babies’, much to their protesting. Because I like to care for my furry friends I thought it would be nice to treat them to a new toy. When they were…
Just to let you all know, I’ve created a Facebook page for my blog! I plan on writing blog updates on here, as I do on my Twitter page, along with some beauty chatter. I’d love it if you guys could give my page a ‘like’ as I’ve not got many at the moment. I’m…
001. I’ve been a bit quiet on the blogging front this week as I’ve been swamped with uni work. I’ve got a group presentation to do on Thursday, so my group & I have spent the week in the library getting it done. 002. I’ve also been a bit lazy and haven’t been to the…