Pretty Honest Book Review
I’ve always grown up in a house full of books, and I spent years when I was younger with my head stuck in a good book. I must have read hundreds of books when I was younger, but since my university days I’ve lost my passion for reading. I have a huge list of books…
Okay confession time, I’m a Coronation Street addict. Without fail I watch it every week, and I often spend my time looking up storyline spoilers. I’m sad I know. I’ve inherited my love of Corrie from my mum, who would always be watching it when I was younger, although it wasn’t until my university days that I started…
A while ago I blogged about how I wanted to give up sugar with the help of Healthy Sugar Habits 6 week detox programme. My detox programme ended on the 2nd March so I thought it was time to update on how I got on. I mentioned in my first post that I’m a complete and utter sugar addict….
Happy St Patrick’s day! The one day a year it’s perfectly acceptable to wear green and drink Irish beer all day. Of course no celebration is complete without some themed gifts to get you through the day. And in true St Paddy’s day style, they’re all green and alcohol related ;). Green Twist Glass Beverage…
Source: Mi Hoo Making a house distinctly yours is one of the first things that should cross your mind when you see a potential living space. Without furnishings or decorations, a house is the best blank canvas with which to put forward your personality. Unlike art, music or almost any other creative craft, your home is…
When it comes to cleaning products I’m certainly no expert, and I’m pretty sure my mum will agree. Although in my quest to try and become an adult I’m determined to try and become more tidier and organised, and keep things around me clean. One thing that really bugs me is seeing finger prints on…