Shopping Holidays

Another week has just flown past, and what a busy one it’s been! It seems like only yesterday that I was sitting down on my Sunday morning (usually still in my pajamas, hey it’s Sunday) to type up my weekly update, and here I am again writing this week’s one. Last week I wrote all about my new…
A while ago now a friend of mine introduced me to bingo. We were looking for a way to do something different when we met up, but would still be rather cheap as we were both on budgets. We usually used to spend hours nursing pints in our local pub, but things were getting a…
Recently I’ve been talking a lot on Twitter and on my blog about learning to run, and the main reason was to start training to do a 5K mud run at the end of September. Somehow two friends of ours talked me and Chris into entering with them and a few other friends to help raise…
Every year Winter Wonderland comes to Hyde Park, and last night me and a group of friends went for my friend’s birthday. We wrapped up warm and went into London for an evening of festivities, and food, mainly food. I’ve only been briefly once before a few years ago, but my friend who’s birthday it was was…
Since we’ve adopted our deaf cat Jeff, we’ve pretty much spoilt him rotten. Since I found out he had a sad past I’ve felt bad for him, and want to show him that he’s loved and wanted. This means we like to make sure he’s got plenty of toys, gets loads of fuss, and the…
I’ve always grown up in a house full of books, and I spent years when I was younger with my head stuck in a good book. I must have read hundreds of books when I was younger, but since my university days I’ve lost my passion for reading. I have a huge list of books…