Treating My Furry Friends

I work full time at a digital agency, and while I love my job, it can be quite stressful at times and for me to feel pretty tired come the end of the week. When I’m not at work I like to try and take some time out for myself to relax to get rid…
001. I’ve been a bit quiet on the blogging front this week as I’ve been swamped with uni work. I’ve got a group presentation to do on Thursday, so my group & I have spent the week in the library getting it done. 002. I’ve also been a bit lazy and haven’t been to the…
Christmas is meant to be a time of happiness and joy spent with families, but sadly for a lot of people that isn’t the case and it can be a very dark and lonely time. If you’ve come across this blog post are in need of someone to talk to this Christmas please pick up…
I’m luck that I have a nice tight knit group of friends who I get to see regularly. When we were younger we used to spend all of our free time at each others houses, and as we got older we’d spend all of our time together on nights out. Over the past few years…
I’ve got a week off uni next week and I decided to make the most of it and come back home for the week. I can’t tell you how happy I am to be back home! I haven’t been back home since I went back to uni after Christmas, and even though I only live…
Another week has just flown past, and what a busy one it’s been! It seems like only yesterday that I was sitting down on my Sunday morning (usually still in my pajamas, hey it’s Sunday) to type up my weekly update, and here I am again writing this week’s one. Last week I wrote all about my new…