100 Day Spending Ban Challenge – Week 8 & 9

You may have noticed there wasn’t an update on last weeks spending ban process – working full time has taken me some getting used to, and last week I wasn’t very organised and found I hadn’t scheduled any posts! So the past two weeks will be surmised into one post, which is a bit more like a confession…

I said in previous updates that I didn’t feel like I was getting anywhere with my spending ban as I wasn’t really putting any money away into my savings, but I was doing well at not buying any beauty products. Having got a job I thought that I would be good with my first paycheck and put most of it away for a ‘rainy day’. But I didn’t. In fact I did completely the opposite and splurged in Origins and Feel Unique… breaking my spending ban by £200, oops. In my defense I did also put away £400 into my savings, but I did still break my spending ban.

Since my payday splurge I haven’t broken my spending ban again, and I’m hoping I’ve managed to get that out of my system and finish what’s left of my spending ban on my best behaviour…

See how I got on in other weeks –

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