OPI That’s Berry Darling

I’ve always loved looking at other bloggers ‘perfume collection’ type posts, and I’d love to do one myself but truth be told I only ever have one or two bottles on the go. I seem to have a eye (or nose) for expensive types of perfume, so I can never afford to have a collection….
I’ve never really been one for Valentines Day, and I never really have big plans for it. But the weather is starting to lighten up, and so is my makeup. Despite no big Valentines Day plans this year I’ve come up with a makeup look to mark the occasion. To start with I’m using my Bourjois…
It took me a while before I bought into the Real Techniques brushes hype, but I started with the Stippling Brush and since then I couldn’t go back to another brand. One of my favourites is the Blush Brush, which I think is one of the larger brushes. It’s shaped like a large tapered egg shape which…
I decided to give a go at nail art! This is the first time I’ve tried it out and I’m surprised at how easy it was to do. Here’s what I did to create my strawberry nails: I used Models Own Red Alert, and Barry M’s Mint Green, and Black to create my nails…
One of my all time favourite things to buy at Lush is their facemasks, I think their wonderful. There’s nine different ones to try out, all for different skin types. Normally I tend to stick to Catastrophe Cosmetic when I buy one, as that’s the one I’ve found to help my skin out the most so far….
I’ve been terrible at updating my blog on my spending ban challenge lately. So bad that since my last update I haven’t wrote another one in three weeks, oops. To be honest I’m finding there isn’t a lot to update on lately. I’ve been being good and have hardly bought any beauty products unless it’s something I…